Propunere [Adaugare Plugin anti-camp]

Propunere:Propun adaugat un plugin anti-camp.
Print-uri(daca este cazul):
De unde v-ati inspirat:*reclama*
Crezi ca va ajuta comunitatea? Daca da, la ce?:Da, va ajuta comunitatea dar mai ales playerii
Descrierea propunerii:
Playerii se plang mereu ca cei de la CT/T fac camp in spawn/alte locuri greu de accesat..
Adminii nu pot fii intodeauna cu ochii pe camperi.
Un plugin anti-camp ar fii bun..Ex:Daca stai 10/15/20 secunde in spawn sa primesti slay automat astfel playerii nu se vor mai plange de camperi iar adminii, au timp mai mult pentru a se ocupa de altceva/se pot ocupa si de slay-uri in celelalte zone.
Acesti plugin poti sa-l aplici doar in spawn...eventual daca da *roade* il poti aplica si in alte parti ale mapei/mapelor
Like no bitch
You ain't noticed
Missing me
With the hoe shit
Cause I heard you kissed me
At a party
After you sucked the host's dick
And that's gross bitch
Not something to laugh at
You think it was coincidence
That I wouldn't snap back
Every time you tried to hit me up
On the Snapchat
I'm pissed
Cause it's 3 years
I couldn't have back
Yo, I thought we really clicked
But the whole time
I was dealing with her shit
I gave her 3 tries
But the bitch would never quit
She would sit on a dick
Just to see if it'd fit
Sir Skitzo - Isolated.

Re: Propunere [Adaugare Plugin anti-camp]

:PRO: Chiar o sa ajute mult. Adica multi player din asta fac rank, si pentru admin e chiar foarte de folos ca nu sta numai dupa camperi, ar stai mai mult timp pe codati. Trei sferturi din timpul unui admin care sta spec se consuma pe camperi si restu pe codati
Enjoy your life. Live it to the fullest.
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life
If you live long enough, you’ll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor

Re: Propunere [Adaugare Plugin anti-camp]

Din cate stiu, este plugin anti-camp pe server. ala de 10 sec!
Este, dar este doar la CT cand se spawneaza, ala e anti-afk..cred
Like no bitch
You ain't noticed
Missing me
With the hoe shit
Cause I heard you kissed me
At a party
After you sucked the host's dick
And that's gross bitch
Not something to laugh at
You think it was coincidence
That I wouldn't snap back
Every time you tried to hit me up
On the Snapchat
I'm pissed
Cause it's 3 years
I couldn't have back
Yo, I thought we really clicked
But the whole time
I was dealing with her shit
I gave her 3 tries
But the bitch would never quit
She would sit on a dick
Just to see if it'd fit
Sir Skitzo - Isolated.

Re: Propunere [Adaugare Plugin anti-camp]

:PRO: ,asta ar ajuta sa nu iei respawn degeaba,fain ar fi si ce am vazut pe alte servere ,mod protectie când primesti respawn sa nu fi omorat in primele secunde
Respecta-mă si te voi respecta , înjură-mă si te bag de unde ai ieșit.:))

Re: Propunere [Adaugare Plugin anti-camp]

Protectie de 5 secunde la fiecare respawn.

Propunere acceptata.
N-am cerut la nimeni niciodata,
Chiar de-a fost sa rabd, in viata mea.
Am dat totul fara nici o plata,
Nevoind nimic sa mi se dea.

@Virgil Carianopol
Vezi-ti de treaba si retine:
"E treaba ta sa spui ce vrei si sa nu conteze pentru nimeni".

@Kazi Ploae

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